Update on 20% Project

Everything is on track with the 20% project, I am planning to work with my STLP students this week.  I would like to have the first version ready by the beginning of November.  I would like to talk to the PLCs or grade levels to get feedback on what they want to see.  I will also continue working with one of the assistant principals and our district technology  resource teacher.

I am looking at different options for feedback from the website.  I have considered a google form so that only teachers from my district would be able to send feedback.  I think having feedback on the site will be better than having just my e-mail for contact purposes.

Any thoughts on what others have seen or are doing in your district or school?

Update #2 Oct. 23

Thinking about the layout and considering which site to use.  The STLP student has already created a Weebly, and I have decided to let her create her own, and have a link from my site to her site instead of having her work on my site directly.

I want to discuss options with the current TRT in our district to see what his thoughts are on the site.  I want to create the site this week, and send to a few colleagues for feedback.

Update #3 Nov. 6

Considering Blogger, WordPress, and Weebly to use for my site.  Looking into various plugins on the platforms.  Deciding on creating videos or links to current videos or both.  Sent videos from out current TRT’s help page to a colleague this week which made me realize that my colleagues are not looking for help on sites.  How can I get them to use the site?  Hoping to get more input from colleagues to decide how I can get my colleagues interested in using the site.  Perhaps posting on Social Media will help.  Maybe having a Pinterest linked?  I want the site to be a site that is used instead of useless.  This will be the hardest part of the site.  Creating the site will not be a big issue, but getting others to use it might be difficult.  Any suggestions?

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