Practicum 590 Blog #4

One aspect of working with students in the library includes exposing them to more resources like KhanAcademy for Math help.  This was very helpful for students needing more help with advanced Math classes.  Many of our students are taking advanced classes including classes at the high school.  Many meet in the library on their “off period” between the high school class and middle school class, and seek help in the library.  I was able to share resources with students, and this is one area that I would like to increase in our current library.  Currently I create YouTube videos for my students in my classes, but I would like to create a page for all students at BGJHS to have access to for extra help and a starting place for projects.  I could do this with a site on the school website, a google doc link that all students could search when they are logged in, or have links attached to my YouTube account with Playlists for help with short videos about the sites.

Here is an example of videos I created to help with using Edmodo:

I believe that students would find this helpful, and I believe that many students would contribute with their own videos showcasing sites they think would be helpful.  There are so many opportunities to expand what we are currently doing to support our students, and there is always room to improve.

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